Friday, September 7, 2007

Role reversal

In class we talked about a certain Old Navy commercial that when a women said no, a man said yes. This was very offensive to some and raised many issues of women not having control and that being shown to young people. Another popular string of commercials are that of the Axe body spray. Women are forcing themselves upon men without their consent and the only objective is sex. For some reason these have more of a humorous vibe to them then when we watch the Old Navy commercial. To me this doesn't seem right because if you are offended by the Old Navy commercial, you should also be equally or not more to the Axe commercials. There is nothing subliminal about the Axe commercials and come right out and show that a woman is forcing themselves onto a man without their consent. I found an article that equally agrees with what I have said and goes into many good points.

Here is an example of one of the commercials as well.

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