Tuesday, December 4, 2007

BBC and NY Times

I don't know much about BBC or NY Times so I had to look them up online for the first time to do this assignment. I don't read the newspaper and I admit that I am not up to date on my current events. I do, however, notice some news headlines on my Google homepage and MySpace just to get an idea of what's going on in the world but I rarely take extra time to actually read the article under the headline. I have wanted to become more involved in keeping up with the news.

I went to the homepage of BBC and NY Times and notice they have a few similar headlines. I personally think that NY Times is more appealing and aesthetically pleasing. All the news is categorized, as it is on BBC, but it just seems to be a lot more in depth on NY Times. They have top stories, most viewed, recent news, opinions, weather, world news, US news, jobs, radio, movies, home and garden, sports, and fashion and style. They have it so you can read it in other languages, as well. If I read the news I would enjoy these sites because everything you need to know is all right there together. It is very convenient. If I were to keep up with the news this way, I would probably choose NY Times because it seems more familiar to me. I've always heard about it and this makes it seem more reliable. One reason why I don't read or watch the news is because I have don't think you can believe everything you hear, but because I've always heard about NY Times, I feel like I can trust it and that the news offered by it would be legitimate.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Our group presentation was on Estee Lauder, so I thought I would go a little more in depth about my vision for the project. Estee Lauder has always marketed to older women. This commercial I found is very old, but they still have the same concept today which is directed towards the older woman. Even their models in the commercials are older.

By revamping the product we are bringing in a whole new stream of customers. By presenting the anti-aging creme in fun ads with cute dogs on the front with a young girl, it not only is a cute ad but it is scaring the younger generation into what they need to be doing. So many young people are using tanning beds and are in the sun without sunscreen these days that they do not think of the repercussions. This is what our group is trying to get across, that the wrinkly dog will be your face one day.

Not only will it be a fresh face for the customer, but by bringing this new marketing campaign into the mix, it is a new face for Estee Lauder. They will have younger generations coming in buying their products, but eventually they will be older customers because they stay with the product because it turns into a necessity for them.

An idea that we came up with that we were not able to mention in our class presentation was that the bags that they use for special promotions should be bags that are colors for the upcoming season. This is something that young girls pay attention to and if they walk into the department store and see an advertisement for the promotion with metallic colors on it that are also the same metallic colors for the upcoming season, I feel as if this will draw them in to the products of Estee Lauder as well.

Monday, November 19, 2007

All Publicity is Good Publicity

I don't know if i agree with this statement. If I was a celebrity, I would not want to have a bad image. I think that would hurt my reputation and my fame. I understand that if a person is trying to get his name out there and become famous, a story about his doing something socially unacceptable would get his name known, but to me, I would want to be known for positive reasons. Britney Spears is a good example of someone who has a lot of publicity but may not be good. She is very well known, but we know her as not a very good person. She has kind of a bad reputation to a lot of people now, even though she may be a talented singer. Today, people don't really think about her talent, they think of all the crazy things she's done. I just don't think that all publicity is good publicity. I would want to be known for the good things I do and not bad, maybe made up things.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

News for You

Young adults today do not seem to intake as much news compared to the rest of society. Many are not interested, feel they read enough in class and choose not to read the paper in their free time, or they plain old do not care. With the average sales of newspapers dropping a great deal, the question arises as to where people obtain their news in the current day? Also, how does the news compare to such news as BBC or NY Times?
I personally do not read the paper. The only paper I happen to read is the UNCG student newspaper which is conveniently located in every building I have class in. My daily routine includes checking my mail in the morning and then scanning the news of the Yahoo home page. I personally like their articles because most of the time it is fun, interesting articles and less of the 'hard' news that always seems to be plastered on the covers of newspapers today. I personally do not like it because reading all of the sad stories and tragedies in America along with other countries seem to bring me down throughout the day thus I choose to avoid those. An interesting article I read today was "Tips for Avoiding Common Diet Mistakes" which is informative but probably not necessary. To compare my selection of news to that of BBC and NY Times is quite a difference.
When I searched BBC and NY Times news websites, NY Times homepage consisted of a picture with coffins and the article containing information about the death toll in Afghan rising. Then on the front page of BBC was police officers wearing gas masks and the article was about how Georgia was under a state of emergency. Both of these news websites consist of current worldly and political issues. Though these are important to me, it is not something I have an interest in reading day to day therefore I stick to a more friendly news setting that consists of new discovered recipes, and other more upbeat articles.

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Art of Advertising

I work at a local sports bar called JP Looney's. The other night one of my co-workers called the work phone at Looney's and asked to speak to me. As I answered the phone she asked me if I could go in the bathroom, go into one of the stalls and read off the number of one of the advertisements that was posted on the stall door. It was for a ski resort that she was interested in going to.

Once I hung up the phone with her I was laughing because the whole situation was funny to me. A certain add on the bathroom stall door caught her eye while she was taking care of business and it created business for the company. When thinking of strategic ways of pushing your product and discovering the best ways of marketing and advertising your product, bathroom stalls would not be the first thing that came to my mind but yet it was a genius place. Though I did not realize before, sitting here typing this I can picture those certain advertisements on that same stall without even realizing it before.

Advertising seems to be in so many places that we see, but may not immediately be interpreted as advertising, thus creating the extraordinary "subliminal advertising". This is surrounded by us every day and we may not realize it, and also may not realize that we are being influenced by subliminal advertising. Something that really is crazy to me is how it is in many movies now. Someone will be holding a soda where the can is turned just perfectly towards the screen so the viewer can observe that it is indeed a Coke can.

After having this particular class and being exposed to so many different ways of advertising, it makes you more aware, thus trying to pick up on these specific strategies of advertising.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I think Macy's is doing a great job marketing to the community. These commercials are just two out of many that I think work. They are effective and creative. The girl checking out herself is very simple and has no communication in it, yet it communicates a very strong idea through the creation of the girl going into Macy's and picking out a whole outfit that she loved so much that she couldn't even wait to get home to assemble. It is so much more dramatic to see her ringing up the tags that are on her than it would be if she had all the item on the counter. It makes it seem like the items are more important and special done this way.
The second commercial done with all the celebrities with lines in Macy's is very busy, unlike the first one here. It is all over the place, like you're going through the whole store and can see the designers/celebrities of their own collection. It is supposed to be comical especially with Jessica Simpson not knowing how to get in, and Donald Trump blow drying his hair while everyone is preparing for the opening of the store. At the beginning of the commercial the announcer comes on saying the store will open in one hour and then it shows the stars preparing their line and it just makes you feel like that at Macy's everything is put together with such precision and detail. The commercial captured each celebrity's personality. It showed Martha Stewart being very particular like she always is.
I just think both of the commercials are very appropriate for Macy's because it is a higher end department store. When shopping here, the experience is very pleasing and most customers will return for other shopping runs.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Apple 1984 Macintosh ad is a mystery to many including myself. Asking questions of why it was so popular leaving sales to exceed through the roof once this advertisement was aired. The ad was shown once during the Super Bowl game on January 22, 1984 and would never be aired after this. The commercial being shown only once was a choice...a strategic marketing technic so to say. But why? Why spend money on creating this well thought out commercial if only it was going to be shown once? These are just a few questions I asked myself.

Once watching the advertisment over and over again to break down the science and trying to gain the knowledge of how the creaters of this ad were thinking, I came to a few conclusions of my own. First it was as if the commericial was more of a short film. Second I noticed that all of the people gathered together were not just one generation but several. This to me would be a way to show people that this new product is not just for young people, but for everyone. Then, you had this woman come and throw the axe which sort of left you boggled until the words came on the screen,"On January 24th, Apple Computers will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like '1984'." To me this made such an impact that perhaps people were so shocked by this that it immediatly drew them to the product.
The director Ridley Scott was interviewed and it really went in depth in to why this commercial succeeded and why it was created like it was.