Monday, November 19, 2007

All Publicity is Good Publicity

I don't know if i agree with this statement. If I was a celebrity, I would not want to have a bad image. I think that would hurt my reputation and my fame. I understand that if a person is trying to get his name out there and become famous, a story about his doing something socially unacceptable would get his name known, but to me, I would want to be known for positive reasons. Britney Spears is a good example of someone who has a lot of publicity but may not be good. She is very well known, but we know her as not a very good person. She has kind of a bad reputation to a lot of people now, even though she may be a talented singer. Today, people don't really think about her talent, they think of all the crazy things she's done. I just don't think that all publicity is good publicity. I would want to be known for the good things I do and not bad, maybe made up things.


Shelby said...

I also think that Lindsey Lohan is also a great example of bad publicity because she has gone down hill and there is a lot she is going to have to do to come back from this.

kacie rag. said...

Britney is always is in the spotlight and i would agree all of her publicity is not always good publicity. The tabloids and websites are destroying her image with allo of fake stories, but many celebities fall victim to this. It takes a good PR team to turn all this around. Paris Hilton, i feel, has had a bit of a turn around after her days in prison.

Mallory and Brianna said...

I would also agree that not all publicity is good publicity, I feel one person who lives in the negative spotlight is Michael Jackson. No matter what happens, there is always something going wrong with him and everyone seems to know about it. The only thing negative publicity could bring is the opportunity to recover from the negativity and take over the spotlight once again.