Friday, October 12, 2007

The Apple 1984 Macintosh ad is a mystery to many including myself. Asking questions of why it was so popular leaving sales to exceed through the roof once this advertisement was aired. The ad was shown once during the Super Bowl game on January 22, 1984 and would never be aired after this. The commercial being shown only once was a choice...a strategic marketing technic so to say. But why? Why spend money on creating this well thought out commercial if only it was going to be shown once? These are just a few questions I asked myself.

Once watching the advertisment over and over again to break down the science and trying to gain the knowledge of how the creaters of this ad were thinking, I came to a few conclusions of my own. First it was as if the commericial was more of a short film. Second I noticed that all of the people gathered together were not just one generation but several. This to me would be a way to show people that this new product is not just for young people, but for everyone. Then, you had this woman come and throw the axe which sort of left you boggled until the words came on the screen,"On January 24th, Apple Computers will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like '1984'." To me this made such an impact that perhaps people were so shocked by this that it immediatly drew them to the product.
The director Ridley Scott was interviewed and it really went in depth in to why this commercial succeeded and why it was created like it was.


Elizabeth and Dana said...

I really enjoyed watching the interview with director Ridley Scott. It was very interesting to see how many things make up such and effective commercial on television.
Do you think the director should have asked for more money for the commercial?

ElyKri said...

I'm not sure, but especially after seeing the results of the commerical we know he could have. It is hard to say whether he made the right decission, but perhaps for that time in his career it was a decent pay for him.