Tuesday, December 4, 2007

BBC and NY Times

I don't know much about BBC or NY Times so I had to look them up online for the first time to do this assignment. I don't read the newspaper and I admit that I am not up to date on my current events. I do, however, notice some news headlines on my Google homepage and MySpace just to get an idea of what's going on in the world but I rarely take extra time to actually read the article under the headline. I have wanted to become more involved in keeping up with the news.

I went to the homepage of BBC and NY Times and notice they have a few similar headlines. I personally think that NY Times is more appealing and aesthetically pleasing. All the news is categorized, as it is on BBC, but it just seems to be a lot more in depth on NY Times. They have top stories, most viewed, recent news, opinions, weather, world news, US news, jobs, radio, movies, home and garden, sports, and fashion and style. They have it so you can read it in other languages, as well. If I read the news I would enjoy these sites because everything you need to know is all right there together. It is very convenient. If I were to keep up with the news this way, I would probably choose NY Times because it seems more familiar to me. I've always heard about it and this makes it seem more reliable. One reason why I don't read or watch the news is because I have don't think you can believe everything you hear, but because I've always heard about NY Times, I feel like I can trust it and that the news offered by it would be legitimate.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Our group presentation was on Estee Lauder, so I thought I would go a little more in depth about my vision for the project. Estee Lauder has always marketed to older women. This commercial I found is very old, but they still have the same concept today which is directed towards the older woman. Even their models in the commercials are older.

By revamping the product we are bringing in a whole new stream of customers. By presenting the anti-aging creme in fun ads with cute dogs on the front with a young girl, it not only is a cute ad but it is scaring the younger generation into what they need to be doing. So many young people are using tanning beds and are in the sun without sunscreen these days that they do not think of the repercussions. This is what our group is trying to get across, that the wrinkly dog will be your face one day.

Not only will it be a fresh face for the customer, but by bringing this new marketing campaign into the mix, it is a new face for Estee Lauder. They will have younger generations coming in buying their products, but eventually they will be older customers because they stay with the product because it turns into a necessity for them.

An idea that we came up with that we were not able to mention in our class presentation was that the bags that they use for special promotions should be bags that are colors for the upcoming season. This is something that young girls pay attention to and if they walk into the department store and see an advertisement for the promotion with metallic colors on it that are also the same metallic colors for the upcoming season, I feel as if this will draw them in to the products of Estee Lauder as well.